Winter Riding Etiquette: Don't Be That Guy

Winter Riding Etiquette: Don't Be That Guy

Snow is finally here, and that has many riders pulling out their fat bikes for winter riding. Especially with so many new trail users due to the cabin-fever caused by COVID-19 lockdowns, there are many new fat bikers making their first tracks on groo…
Pain Cave: Sharing a Cycling Trainer

Pain Cave: Sharing a Cycling Trainer

It’s great having a spouse and kids who love to ride. Most of the year, a family bike ride is a treat, especially when it leads to a treat; who would say no to an ice cream ride? But when winter rolls in and most riding is indoor, it can be a bit of…
How To Set Smart Goals Next Season

How To Set Smart Goals Next Season

After a season with almost no racing, many of us are more motivated than ever to get back to racing, or at least our normal riding routine. If you’re getting ready to set your goals for the new year, take a second to make sure you’re setting yourself…
Like Bikes? Join The Club.

Like Bikes? Join The Club.

Want in the club? No problem.Keep up with the crew on Strava...if you can. We’re always looking for ways to make it easier for you to ride, but we don’t want that effort to stay stuck in the garage. We’re opening up our Strava Club to…
When Is The Best Time To Ride?

When Is The Best Time To Ride?

Timing is, of course, everything. But when it comes to riding, is there a better time to ride during the day? Especially if you’re riding for fitness and to get in shape, whether you ride in the morning or after work can make a big difference.It’s be…